Information overload?
  • blogs
  • papers
  • long essays
  • PDFs
  • newsletters
  • news
  • all your tabs
  • blogs

Save time and work faster with key points, Q&A chat, and line-by-line references for anything you read on the Web.

Tilder lets you skip around interactively, and then read the source when you want. It'll transform how you consume information online.

Dive deeper when you want to

When you're reading to get informed, your time counts.

You don't need to read pages and pages of text, all the time.

Tilder helps you read more efficiently by letting you read at a level of context you choose:

1. Is it worth reading?

Reading is a time investment. You want to know if something's relevant before you invest that time.

Use a short, unbiased overview to guard your time and focus your attention on what's really worth reading. Whether it's a 5000-word article or 20 browser tabs you want to get through, don't let a clickbait headline control your time. Get the gist before you give up your morning.

2. What are the key points?

When you're busy, it's painful to read through big blobs of paragraphs that just aren't getting to the point.

With Tilder, get information-dense bullets that follow the flow of the source material, broken down by sections in the text. When you're short on time, get the core points first, and get the details later.

3. What's the context?

Context matters when you want to dig deeper into a specific point. To trust the summary and learn more, it helps tremendously to read the author's words directly.

Jump to the specific lines an author wrote for any key point you want to dive deeper on. Each key point is paired with the text that supports it, so you can click to dive into the details whenever you want.

4. What about...?

You might have follow-up questions after reading something interesting.

With Tilder, ask questions about the source material with AI chat, and jump to the context for any answer. Learning is inherently interactive, so why shouldn't reading be as well?

Browse freely and read interactively

Read interactively, anywhere

Whenever you read for information, try the faster, more engaging reading experience of interactive summaries.

Blog posts
Stay on top of the latest buzz, with more depth and while spending less time.
Email newsletters
From your favorite Substack writer to Money Stuff, we have you covered.
Dive deeper with interactive summaries for whitepapers, journal articles, and more.
Too many tabs?
Yes, that's right. Here's an AI that can help you break out of your 100-tab rabbit hole.